Before I begin today's update, I really have to give anothe shout out to Jocelyn who has been helping me get this blog updated. There is no making sense of this country. They have technology here; they have to somewhere. We're all familiar with trying to call next door only to be re-routed to someone in India first. (Unless next door happens to BE Indians like mine-- ok bad example.) Anyway, this whole country is a mystery. They really are trying to keep up with the rest of the world; outsourcing and all. But they don't even have trash or sewer systems or decent roads. First things first, people! It's like they're trying to bike a Triathlon on a tricycle.... a rickety one at that. I had a fleeting desire today to champion their cause and head up a huge Clean Up India project. They're so colorful and blingy but it's so dirty!
That was a long way to say we remain frustrated with not ever being able to get on the Internet either for lack of entirely, or intermittent electricity when you do get Internet. Sheesh! I have given up and am completely relying on Jocelyn to get these urgent and electrifying updates out to you. So, thanks, Josh! (I wish I could tell you I got you something neat in the French Region but there was no shopping time. Boo. )
I also want to thank my family for all of the cards, pictures and letters you sent with me. You'll never know how I look forward to opening one everyday. Best family in the world! Thanks!
Now for the update. We left our fabulous hotel this morning and drove about an hour to the Tindivanum conference. It was a small all-day conference, and the women there were sweet and full of appreciation for us to come so far to encourage them.
I spoke about when our own shame and the messages we allow ourselves to believe about ourselves keep us from doing what God has called us to do. The anecdote is two-fold; we plunge in and just start doing ministry however it presents itself while we also do a little Cognitive Therapy on ourselves by renewing our minds. We do that by searching for the truth about ourselves and telling ourselves the truth instead of the lies.
For example, instead of being praalyzed with thoughts of "I'm not smart enough", or "Others will reject me", we begin to tell ourselves "If God has called me, He will equip me", or "I don't have to be liked by everyone to be valuable in God's service". And while we are practicng doing ministry and renewing our minds, God is transforming our hearts and lives.
There were many women nodding their heads relating to the questions asked and the words I said. That's one of the coolest things I'm certain of after coming here several times now; women are really the same everywhere. We all have feelings of inadequacy in some area of our lives. And oddly, life experiences often serve to reinforce the lies we believe about ourselves. We have to fight for the truth if we really want it. Ugh. But it's always worth the effort!
Belinda and Prati also spoke brilliantly, of course, and the women left the conference encouraged and inspired.
We are driving to Chennai to spend the night, and in the morning we fly out somewhere.... Mumbai, I think?
I DO have some monkey pictures for you! I promised, and here they are! I also might throw in a few general pics of what I see here and there. Usually the pictures are taken from the van so they may be blurry or fuzzy, but it's the best I can do. If we asked the driver to stop every time we wanted a picture, we'd never get anywhere!
Finally, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Savannah! I love you so much and I hope you have a really fun birthday! Wish I could be there! XOXOXOXO
Paula- Out!
PS- RaeAnn was also supposed to speak today, but due to her being ill, we thought she should sit this one out. But she did come, and slowly but surely she's feeling better. Yay!
Our lovely Hotel (or hodle, as Prati says)
1 comment:
"There were many women nodding their heads relating to the questions asked and the words I said. That's one of the coolest things I'm certain of after coming here several times now; women are really the same everywhere. We all have feelings of inadequacy in some area of our lives. And oddly, life experiences often serve to reinforce the lies we believe about ourselves." This was the coolest part of your blog so far! There's just something about this that I LOVE! I am so proud of you Mama, I miss you!
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