Praise and Worship
Happy Sunday!
Today was sort of an easy day. We went to church this morning here at Sharon, which was a treat. We had our first Sari wearing today, which is always fun. It's funny-- wrap 5 yards of silk around you, and immediately you're transformed into a princess! No glass slipper needed!
(You'll notice RaeAnn didn't get to join the fun- she started getting sick last evening and came down with a pretty wicked virus. She was up through the night with all the hateful things viruses do. It wasn't complete without her.
The congregation here at Sharon Gardens is mostly the workers and children from the home with some neighborhood people also in attendance. There used to be more people from the surrounding area, but IGL has planted a couple churches nearby which were actually closer for most of the people to attend.
The service was fairly familiar, even though we couldn't understand the songs. There was worship music, a sermon, offering and communion. Sam was thoughtful to have one of their daughters sit behind us and translate when someone was speaking.
Belinda spoke during the sermon part of the service. Her words were sweet and inspringin from John 17. "As the Father has sent me, so I send you." This is the IGL theme for this year, which will be the emphasis for all conferences, teachings, etc. I thought it ironic, in a way, that in our country we send missionaries and workers here, and these people are talking about being sent themselves.
I am always made aware the biggest difference to me between third world countries and the U.S. is the felt need for God. These people are desperate for God, and when they find Him, they are desperate to share the difference He makes in their lives. We simply do not need God in America. We are so self-sufficient and can exist quite well on our own, thank you very much. Not so here.
After church, we packed our things and had lunch before we got back on the van (once again!), for a 6 hr bull ride east to the French-speaking city of Pondicherry. It's supposed to be a beautiful place and obviously quite unusual. We spend the night there and head to Tindivandum for a conference tomorrow. RaeAnn is on the schedule to speak during Session 3 tomorrow, but I don't see how. She is quite ill. The only thing worse than being that sick so far away from home is having to ride 6 hours squished in an uncomfortable van on these roads with this traffic. Poor thing. Please pray she gets well and somehow those of us sharing such close quarters here for 6 hours evade the bug! That WOULD be a miracle!
However... Before we left today, two very special things happened! The first was that I had delivered the flip-flops I brought to Prati, knowing she would know which 50 children most needed them. She certainly must have, because she called me down and asked me to wait for her outside the gate. While I was down there, this adorable yound middle school-age girl in a simple white sari came up to me and in nearly perfect English said, "Excuse me, Auntie, can you please get Mummy?" I knew from previous interactions with the children here that any older woman is always "Auntie" (don't you love it?), and every child at Sharon calls Prati their "Mummy", like the British (don't you love it even more?!).
I ran in to get Prati and the whole thing seemed somewhat of a set-up, because when I returned with her, there were about 8-10 children all wearing their brand-new flip-flops! I almost started crying!
Prati said while she didn't have time yet to decide about all the flip-flops, she did want to choose several children while I was there becuase "Your grandchildren did such a nice thing to send to my "children", and I wanted my children to say thank you."
They had made a card and all signed it for you, Grayson and Berkley. (And Shannah, I know you are crying by now.)
And it's all a matter of where you're born... I have lots of questions for God someday.
The second very exciting thing was that I presented Prati with the checks so many of you sent for the women of India! There just didn't seem to be an appropriate time before today, but it turned out to be just the perfect time! We were ending our time here at Sharon and it just seemed fitting to leave behind your heartfelt, tangible wishes and prayers.
So your very own checks are all the way here in Indai! She was thrilled and touched by your generosity. I told her I had awesome friends, and of course, she wants you all to come and see for yourselves the things your money has helped to accomplish. So, what do you think?!
I told her we would let her decide how best to use the money, and I trust her completely. Just think, someday up in heaven a lady in a sari will come up to you and tell you her story and thank you personally!
Well, I am writing this on the van as we end our day (September 11 came and went without a hitch here, so I am praying the same for you as your day is just beginning there). We have about 30 more minutes of this trip and my butt is NUMB!
Good Night!
1 comment:
and of course i AM bawling!!
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